Han van Sciver Interview
The TWD fanbase is absolutely incredible
Han. (Rhymes with "man.") Han is a queer, trans, multidisciplinary artist known as Tina in "The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live"
- Hello Han and thank you for your time for the Fans.
Thank you! The TWD fanbase is absolutely incredible.
- Han , When was the time you know you want to be an artist?
I grew up seeing theatre with my parents, and started to think seriously about acting as a teen. After studying poetry in college (ha), I finally committed to pursuing acting while I was living in Philadelphia in my early 20s.
- 2023 you got cast for TWD The Once who Live. How did you get cast ?
I auditioned! It was a short self-tape, and maybe 2 weeks later I heard I was under consideration. Another 4-5 days after that I got the official offer. It was wild, because shooting started in less than a week.
- What is the first thing you remember when you look back on set from The Walking Dead?
I remember how much I sincerely liked everyone. It was fabulous to meet my costars Will Brill and Ben Dickey - both are actors I admire so much, and the episode was honestly the beginning of a pretty wholesome friendship with both guys. Same with Pollyanna Mackintosh. She’s a class act, and a total hoot, and we became buddies during the shooting.
I also remember just being blown away by all of the incredible work by the costumes and makeup team. Seeing them in action up close was truly wild.
- With a role in TWD Universe comes a Big Fan Community, what are your first The Walking Dead fan experiences?
My experience has been *mostly* relegated to the digital world. A lot of people checked out my instagram and sent kind messages. I’ve been really struck by how international the fan base is, too. It’s extraordinary!
I’ve been “recognized” in person exactly once, and it was by a bad-ass photographer in Portland. Crazy to be a small part of something that means so much to so many people.
- Working with Andrew and Danai will be a dream of many Fans, how was it for yourself?
Great! Both were super friendly and professional. I’d been a Danai fan from her work as a playwright, and I grew up watching Andy in movies. I loved watching how much they genuinely seem to care for one another.
I remember chatting with Danai about how she’s actually not a big fan of the woods, and prefers beaches. She cracked me up. I remember riding in a van with Andy - he was terribly sweet to everyone.
- What will we see next from you? Any projects/movies/series?
I’ve spent my summer working on a lot of new plays, which is always a treat. So there are a lot of irons in the fire. I just released some music from an ongoing theatre project - the EP is called “eaftós” and you can access it wherever you listen to music. I’m *also* working long term on my own web series, called “SAD HAN.” It’s on instagram - @sad__han - or on Vimeo
I’m about to work on a production of Suddenly Last Summer with some dear friends in Provincetown, Cape Cod. The company is called “Die-Cast.”
Of course I’m constantly auditioning, too. I’d love to be working another TV/film gig soon. And I have two short films I’m hoping to shoot in the coming year.
- Is there any dream role or actor/actress you would love to work with in the future?
I’ve been watching Battlestar Galactica for the first time, and so I’ve been thinking about playing a pilot. I’d love to play a character like Starbuck. Or Sigourney Weaver in Alien - someone epic and active and fierce.
I’m also a huge classical theatre nerd, so. Hamlet is on the list, even though it feels a bit embarrassing to say.
There’s a play called An Oxford Man by my friend Else Went, that I’m also deeply hopeful will get produced somewhere - there’s a wonderful part in it that I’d be honored to play.
As for actors - I’d love to work with Taylor Mac, Alan Cumming, or Cherry Jones. All are queer titans of the acting/performance world, and I admire their irreverence and versatility so much.
- Is there anything else you would like to let TWD Fans and your fans know?
Thanks for the love! If you want to support me and my work directly, or get some exclusive access to what I’m making - you can check out my Patreon. It only costs $3 to subscribe! I’d love to see you there.
You can follow me on instagram @rhymes.with.man too.
- Thank you being my guest Han and best wishes for the future. I hope to see you one day in Germany.
Thanks so much!! Much love to the fans in Germany. Appreciate the support!
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